Thursday, April 28, 2011

Day 73?- New Decisions

Well, it's back to Vegas. That's pretty self explanatory. When exactly is all up to the silly Marine Corps (probably next August). We plan on getting officially married in December, when Jake can come home finally since they denied his request for next month... bitches. Obviously I'm bitter, so we won't go into that. We're still discussing details of whether it'll be just us or with guests, or if we'll have some sort of informal reception at home. Those things will all be hammered out eventually, and hopefully soon cause I'm an obnoxious planner and need to know all details. But to give everyone a little clue on what we really wanna do...

FYI, THAT... is the Grand Canyon.

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Day 54-60: Whoopsies

Well, this blog a day thing isn't going as well as I had planned... Needless to say, I've slacked off for a week but there's still not much to update on. Nothing fun atleast. I'll try to recall...
Last week, I finished my babysitting job that was supposed to last all summer. Had the job been a dating relationship, I guess you could say it was a mutual decision to break up. When I started the job I asked if the girl had separation anxiety, cause it seemed no matter what I tried, she was unhappy and crying-- not tears and nose running crying, but more making noises and making sure you were watching her in misery crying... all... day. Well, after a month of trying different things, and experimenting with different friends/family babysitting on days I had school to see if they had the same issue, her mom finally decided she has severe separation anxiety and we ended the gig. What can I say, I'm always right.
Over the weekend I had floorset, which was nothing spectacular, but it was nice to be home during the day to hang out with Beni.
This week has been the least fun so far. My car has not been its best for quite awhile now, and it finally got to the point where my dad didn't feel safe with me driving it. We dropped it off at my cousins shop and found out both my front and rear rotor (sp?) was worn down to basically nothing (oopsies) and I was in desperate need of an alignment. So, I've been stranded bumming rides to and from school this week. How fun. But! its finally ready for pick up today, along with a nice and hefty bill. Lovely.
That being said, I think I'm returning to a picture a day on facebook and maybe this will just turn into a blog for fun wedding stuff.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 52 &53: I suck at this

I'm really getting terrible at this lol... probably because my life is boring. I'm trying not to obsess over wedding ideas anymore since I have a lot of time to plan and it's distracting me from doing homework, so that leaves me with no fun updates or pictures. Plus since I've been working two jobs plus school, all I want to do in my free time is sleep or play with Beni. I'm actually multitasking taking notes in my Juvenile Delinquency class and writing this right now. We're talking about drugs today and it has me considering going into customs. I honestly can't decide what I wanna do with career-wise cause theres so many interesting options in this field, so every time we have a new topic in one of my classes some other idea comes up! I'm also trying not to get my hopes set on anything since where Jake gets stationed next and his choice of whether to re-enlist in a few years will obviously affect things. I guess I'll figure it out eventually...

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Day 51: Milkshakes & Movies

Since I just took all my exams last week, I decided to skip classes, sleep in and do homework today. And by homework I mean watch 2 of 5 movies I'm required to watch in one of my classes and do some discussion posts about them. What.... and exciting task.
Other than that I've just been watching tv, eating and planning my future all day. I actually just tried a recipe for a peanut butter cup milkshake. Pretty good so far.... could probably use some more peanut butter, but I'd make it again. Now I'm just awaiting the drama-filled Teen Mom 2 reunion with Dr. Drew. Woohoo, my life's exciting.
Oh, but the good news is Jake should be back to base with regular internet and skype access by this weekend. Thank you baby Jesusssss!

Day 51:

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 50: This is more difficult than I thought...

"Help me, Auntie, help me..."

What's more difficult than I thought is posting a daily blog, not childcare. Ah, well, maybe I should've named it a blog most days while you're away....

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Day 48 & 49: Oops

I totally forgot to post yesterday... probably because my day was pretty uninteresting. It rained... I worked... did some laundry... and then watched Beni for a bit while Amanda and Javier went out alone for the first time. I'm also finally in the last stages of this sinus infection thing I've been dealing with I think. Thank God.
Today was just as uneventful, but you can enjoy this picture of Beni smiling earlier... he probably had gas, but I just like to think we've bonded...

And here's a picture of one of the rings I've been eyeing. Everyone should tell Jake how pretty it is lol...

Friday, April 1, 2011

Day 47: April Fools

So, I totally didn't even realize today was April Fools Day. Bummer. Anyways, there's not much to update on other than the fact that i just freshly dyed my hair using clairol's new foam stuff which is basically idiot-proof. Thumbs up. Other than that I'm still sick and it's still cold. On the bright-side, Jake should be heading back to Okinawa tomorrow... or maybe it was today. I'm not sure cause the time difference is confusing when the unit writes updates, but either way, he'll be back to his room and regular internet sometime this upcoming week, which means regular phonecalls and skyping, yayyyy!! He's also attempting to get leave sometime soon but I'm not going into detail on that cause I'll probably jinx it. So instead, here are some pics from my sushi date with Sarah B. today...